Monday, July 6, 2009


When you set Goals, somebody inside you will start saying, “Let’s Go, Let’s Go” and the ceilings starts to move up. In order for goals to be effective they need to be big, because big Goals help to create excitement necessary for accomplishment. There’s no excitement in mediocrity or making a home payment, a car payment or just getting along. The excitement in when you do the Best which you can do with a proper goals.

A wise man once said, “Make no small plans for they have no capacity to stir men’s souls.”

The way you see life will largely determine what you get out of it.

You might occasionally feel that some people are standing in the way and deliberately slowing your progress, but in reality the biggest person standing in your way is you. Others can stop you temporarily – you the only one who can do it permanently.

Therefore Goals are important. Its our life blood to live.



Goals are the vision that you see as a reality. Something that you are in love with. They say success is a journey and let us rehearse the process instead. Goals are something for you to achieve. This program will give the individual a systematic and clear path to follow to achieve Goals in life.

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart this you will built by your life and this you become


Anyone will benefit especially for those who are looking for a ‘Specific Direction’ in life. We recommend Students, Employees, Leaders, Sales professional, Executives and even organizations.


Participation and involvement. Participants will engaged in active assignment while learning through practical commitment. Applying the process of knowledge and concepts learned. Dynamic and Highly Engaging Presentation. Using some NLP installation strategy for effective result.


Upon completion the LEAP participant will have an understanding of Goals. Understanding the mind frame, mind blocks, and all the Universal Laws and practical way to achieve your Goals by daily affirmation and practical application. Participants will have a clear vision of what they want, when they want and how to get achieve it.


1) Why is important to have Goal ?
2) How to set SMART GOALS ?
3) How to achieve your Dreams and Goals ?
4) Understanding the Mind Blocks – Burn the FACT LOCK
5) Understanding Universal Laws – Apply Universal Law
6) Application Technology – A.C.E process
7) Using the V.A.K Open Save Technology
8) Blue Print – Clear Path to Success
9) Creating NSI (New Self Image Script)
10) Framework of Clear Goal


This is a one day workshop designed for 100 – 200 participants
Normal fees : RM 150.00 per pax
Group of 30 : RM 130.00 per pax
Group of 50 : RM 100.00 per pax

The cost inclusive of 2 Tea Break and Workbook


Conducted by Master Class Trainer, Master Fuzi AKA Zifu and assisted by assistant moderators.



EXPLORING THE POWER OF TEAM WORKING is a Team working Program directed to enhance the Spirit of Togetherness within team members. The key concept in this program is to build “SHARED MEANING” and creating “AWARENESS” on the importance of developing People and Conceptual skills, in order to achieve success, in building a team capable of:

a. Adapting to the changing working environment.
b. Being Creative in the day to day planning.
c. Problem solving and decision making.
d. Being proactive and developing good team working habits.
e. Working as a team towards acheiving higher results.

The execution of the program combines both teory and practical; experiential learning; to enhance the learning experience. The elements of fun and challange will help team members further understand the need to develop the Spirit of Togetherness at place of work in order to achieve Personal, Team and Organisational sucess.

This program also builds Awareness on why the individual need to Change their habits in order for the team to excel. Participants will be taught how to develop a WINNING ATTITUDE so as to produce HIGH RESULTS as a Team. Individual must understand their responsibility and the need to Change their Performance level in order to achieve both their Personal and Organisational Vision and Goals.

Building winning teams focus on changing the behavior and mind-sets of people, and changing the people-related and people-perpetuated systems that are involved teamwork. In other words, without significant individual change there is no Organisational or Team change. We must remember one fundamental rule “CHANGE BEGINS WITH ME (THE INDIVIDUAL)”.

The Program is to help participants understand how their actions and behavior will impact the team performance. They need to make Choices about their Attitudes and Actions. The intent is to help them understand and develop an Awareness of how their “choices” effect and determine the Results they get as opposed to feeling a “victim” of circumstances beyond their control. They will understand;

a. What Power they posses to Change their performance as team members.
b. Face the Reality “No Man is an Island”. We need others to help us succeed.
c. How to work together and develop the “Spirit of Togetherness”.
d. How they can use the New Behaviors or Change in Attitudes will help the Team and Organisation achieve its goals.
e. Acknowledge they are responsible and accountable for the team’s success.

The program is structured to achieve the following objectives:

a. The importance of building an effective and successful team.
b. The roles and responsibility individuals have to undertake as a Team Leaders or Team Member towards building a successful and competitive team.
c. Develop Trust and Understanding among team members.
d. Creating “Shared Meaning” to enhance communication within the team.
e. Creative Decision Making and Problem Solving.
f. Personal and Team Development in order to achieve Vision, Mission and Goals.
g. Acquire skills for improving Self Confidence, Attitude, Habits and Team Working.
h. How to plan effectively and be more effective in job execution.

The instructional design is based on beliefs that:

1. People learn by experience.
2. People must be able to feel successful in the learning environment or they will not likely try a new skill in the real world.
3. People change only when they see a greater reward for changing than they do for staying the same.
(Participants must be sold on the new behavior.)
4. Learning must be Fun, Participative and Interactive so that people will be fully committed to Share and Learn.
5. People get Involved with their Mind and Body when they FEEL good about what they are doing.


1) Introduction - Rules of the Game.

a. Participants will be introduced to the rules of the game they must follow in order to have maximum benefit from this program.
b. Ice Breaking and formation of teams for workshops/exercises.
c. Understanding the Process of Growth and Change.
d. Understanding the concept of Learning.

2) Lesson 1 - The Spirit of Exploration.

a. Understanding the Spirit of Exploration which is the basis of Human development and Growth
b. Why and What to Explore
c. Key Success Factor in developing a Winning Team.

3) Lesson 2 - Understanding Organisation and Team

a. The Organisational 4P.
b. The Winning Team Model.
c. How to Function as a Team.
d. The Results of Team Working.

4) Lesson 3 - The Team Model

a. Purpose Factor.
b. Processes Factor.
c. People Factor.
d. Principles Factor.

5) Conclusion.

a. Participants will leave with a Plan of Action on how the team wants to change in order to achieve the desired Results.