Training Programs



LIFE ENRICHMENT AWARENESS PROGRAM (LEAP) is a Personal Change Program. It focuses on creating Awareness in the Individual about Change and How the Individual can change for the better. It is an integrated training process that creates Awareness about the individual’s capacity to make Personal Changes in the way they THINK, FEEL and ACT to produce LIFE CHANGING RESULTS. LIFE ENRICHMENT AWARENESS PROGRAM develops a WINNING ATTITUDE in the Individual to produce HIGH RESULTS. It empowers the individual to Change their Performance level thus achieving both their Personal and Organisational Visions and Goals.

LEAP uses the universal Change Processes of AWARENESS, ACCEPTANCE, ALTERING and ACHIEVING. The process is build around the understanding of what does the individual posses to enable him/her to change consistently, proactively and effectively.


When making personal changes, Awareness is the first step in the creation process. As we grow in self awareness, we will better understand why we feel what we feel and why we behave as you behave. That understanding then gives us the opportunity and freedom to change those things we would like to change about ourselves and create the life we want. Without fully knowing who we are, self acceptance and change become impossible.

Having clarity about who we are and what we want (and why you want it), empowers us to consciously and actively make those wants a reality. Otherwise, we will continue to get “caught up” in our own internal dramas and unknown beliefs, allowing unknown thought processes to determine our feelings and actions.
If we think about it, not understanding why we do what we do, and feel what we feel is like going through our life with a stranger's mind. How do we make wise decisions and choices if we don't understand why we want what we want? It's a difficult and chaotic way to live never knowing what this stranger is going to do next.

When we want good, solid information, we turn to the experts. So, who are you going to turn to for information about yourself? Who's the expert?

The answer is: You (I – the individul).

Does a friend, a therapist, a minister, our hero, our spouse, our parents know more about us than ourselves? They can't. We live in our skin and mind 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 52 weeks a year, day in and day out. No one’s closer to oneself than he/her self! The answers are in there, perhaps all we have needed to solve our riddles is a useful question.
“Knowing Other’s is Wisdom, Knowing yourself is Enlightenment” ~Tao Tzu~

If acceptance feels so good and is so good for us, then why don’t we accept ourselves? The answer is motivation. We use our lack of acceptance (punishment - cause it feels bad) as motivation to get us to do, not do, be, and not be what we think we should. Many people believe that if they accepted themselves as they are, they wouldn’t change or that they wouldn’t work on becoming more of who they want to be.

Typically, we judge ourselves unfavorably with the hope it will motivate us to change. We hope if we feel bad enough about ourselves, that maybe that will motivate us to change. Does this work? Sometimes but it is only short term. At most times all it does is caused us to feel bad which saps the energy we might have used to make changes. It can be a vicious cycle. It works exactly counter to what we wanted to do.

Acceptance allows change. The 'acceptance mode' includes everything, even our judgments. It allows us to be okay now, even before we reach our goals. When we begin to accept ourselves the way we are right now, we begin a new life with new possibilities that did not exist before because we were so caught up in the struggle against reality that that was all we could do.

Acceptance exists at the core of our being. It is our default status. In order to reach this base level of acceptance, we need only remove the items lying on top. To do this, we must first identify all the things we do not accept about ourselves. Then, one by one, eliminate them by examining and questioning our beliefs around that issue.

  •  Know ourselves and our beliefs
  •  Take a good hard look at our honesty level
  •  Know we are doing the best we can
  •  Relax our value judgments
  •  Examine guilt
  •  Understand our motivations
  •  Ask ourselves questions about what we don't accept.

Altering or Self creation is about creating ourselves all over again. Starting fresh and rebuilding ourselves to become the very best, we've ever imagined. It's about becoming the person we want to be and creating a life that reflects that vision. You can't really do this until you have the ground work established.
We can not create ourselves and our life anew without taking personal responsibility for whom and where we are right now. It does not mean responsibility in a sense of blame or judgment, but responsibility so far as ownership and control.

“This life is yours. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.” - Susan Polis Schutz –

For many, it is a major paradigm shift when they begin to see themselves and everything in their lives as a direct result of themselves. The idea that we alone create who we are can be overwhelming, particularly if we associate that responsibility with guilt, blame or shame. Taking ownership isn't about judging our life, but simply seeing what's there and knowing our part in it all. This is not about finding fault, making judgments of right or wrong, good or bad, but simply one of ownership.

Yes, other people and events do have influence on our lives, but it is us, and us alone who determine which influences to emphasis, what meaning we give to those influences, and what beliefs we'll create based on those influences.

We are responsible for our beliefs.
We are responsible for our thoughts.
We are responsible for our feelings.
We are responsible for our actions.

So, what is it we want? Identify...

Who we want to BE
What we want to DO
What we want to HAVE.

Altering or Self creation is about creating ourselves all over again. Achieving is about managing ENERGY level to achieve those changes. It is about using tools that will help the individual make small personal changes on a daily basis. Achieving Personal Change highly depends on the Individual WILLINGNESS to accept and believe in the new direction he/she has designed for himself/herself.

In achieving the desired changes, the individual have to expend his/her perspective by starting fresh and rebuilding to become the very best, he/her have ever imagined. It's about becoming the person we want to be and creating a life that reflects that vision. We can't really do this until we have the ground work established.

This stage of change can only be carried out once the individual have developed high level of Self Awareness, Accepted his/her reality of the current situation and begin to open his/her mind to create a desired future.

Making Personal Change is never easy and not impossible to achieve. In the efforts of making these changes, Some Individual is able to achieve it with ease while others need the help of others to change and achieve. What ever the case is, Change is Possible.


A proactive team and goals oriented personals are Dream Team of any Bosses. In these days of increased competition, faster growing technology and high paced job. It’s not enough by just working hard. You must work smart and have a clear direction forward as your journey to success will not be as tough and rough as what people said. Having a clear goals will certainly makes your goals easier.

Sales team, leaders, Managers, Trainers and Goal Setters.

-Fun & Objective – Oriented Simulations
-Highly Interactive Facilitation
-Application Discussion to develop strategies
-NLP Installation Strategies
-Public Commitment
-Practical Technique

-Why Goal is important
-Gain motivation to strengthen the believe that goal are achievable and possible
-Understanding of Smart Goals
-Knowing your Mind Frame of Success Attitude
-Discover the ‘Blocks’ that stop you from achieving your Goals.
-How to apply Universal Law in Goal Setting
-How to create NSI and blue print of your Goals
-Understanding the “Secret” of success thru Sub-Conscious mind

This One(1) day workshop is designed for 50 to 100 participants

Participant will walk away with these resources :
A workbook that contains reading of the concepts and techniques that for use during the workshop as a reference for applications.

Please call cik Aini (013-3322713) or Mr Zifu (019-3122277)
or you can email to us at

FEES – RM 110 per participant (Including course workbook – lunch & tea breaks)


A proactive sales team is Dream Team of any bosses. In these days of increased competition, faster growing technology and time-to-market pressures, it’s not enough just to deliver “a good product”! The use of psychological techniques will strengthen your sales appeal and you will benefit from the buyer behavior of “People buy people first”. The main difference between your competitors and you is people who sell and deliver the value of the product, service or solutions that the client buys. Success comes only to those companies that maximize the performance abilities of their people at the frontline level. This is highly-interactive workshop which aims to impact upon passion, instill confidence, inspire fun as well as to Equip, Empower and Engage.

Sales Agent, Sales Executives, Managers, Leaders & Trainer

  • Dynamic & Highly Engaging Presentations
  • Fun & Objective – Oriented Simulations
  • Highly Interactive Facilitation
  • Application Discussion to develop strategies
  • Car park of Objective Soliciting
  • NLP Installation Strategies

  • Gain insights into the 3 ways people buy
  • Gain Motivation to strengthen your mind set with positive thinking and attitude on the job
  • Develop strategic and specific questions to uncover buying motives
  • Master Non-Verbal aspects of communication to assert positive influences in selling
  • Master selling psychology to enhance Rapport & Persuasion
  • Understand how people receive information and their thought preferences
  • Using Linguistic patterns to influence the buying processes
  • Use subliminal Commands to lead to closing
  • Confirm sales with lesser resistance

This Highly Interactive 2-day workshop is designed for 30 participants per workshop

Participants will walk away with these resources:
A workbook that contains reading of the concepts and techniques, for use during the workshop and as a reference for field applications

This program is can be further customized for and is adapted from the book “Using Psychological Techniques in Selling”

  • “The Bingo” as the Icebreaker to encourage fun
  • Show Me the $$$ (can include target setting by salespeople)
  • Knots – To Free The Mind
  • Water!!! For Active Listening & Engaging Strategies
  • Group Brainstorming on Prospect Sourcing. Questions Scripting and Objections Handling
  • Energizer
  • Observational Feedback on selected participants

Icebreaker and Workshop Objectives

Fundamentals of Sales Professionals
  •  Personnel Foundations – Mindset and Attitude
  • 7-11 & I.M.P.R.E.S.S ©
  •  The Generic Sales Cycle

Foundations for Success
  • The Communication Model
  • Words That Sell
  • Strategic Applications of Tone and Body Language
Prospecting Strategies
  • 3 Basic Ways to Prospect and 3 Markets to Tap
  • Fundamentals of Tale-Consulting
  • Group Brainstorm: Where are the prospects
Determining Needs – Finding the M.A.N
  • The Rationale of Questioning
  • Types of Question
  • Application: Question Scripting
  • An Active Listening Game
  • Active Listening Questionnaire: Guilty or not guilty?
  • Listening Dos and Don’ts
Psychological Techniques in Rapport Building
  • Understanding buying patterns with Mental Maps
  • NLP Rapport Strategies & the Power of Calibration
  • Practices for Calibration, Matching and Mirroring
  • Strategic Selling Applications
More Psychological Techniques
  • Quick Tips to Managing Resistance
  • Reading Buying Signals
  • 5 power Applications of Linguistics
  • Psychological Techniques in Objections Handling
  • Shift & Pattern Interrupt
  • The Powerful “F” word

Objections Handling Workshop
Group Brainstorming: Towing the cars in the park

Closing the Sale
  • The Use of Metaphor – incorporating techniques
  • Conventional Closing & Subliminal Closing Techniques

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